Sunday, September 22, 2013

Let me just start out by saying our computer isn't working.  As in for the last 3 months.  And it's killing me that I can't download and post photos of my adorable kids, especially my baby boy that's now a whole 4 months old (as of this Thursday)!  That being said, I'm posting anyway (from Eric's ipad), photo free, which just feels wrong but I'm going to do it anyway.
Life has been good.  Crazy but good.  I've said goodbye to the good old days of being in control of my day-to-day schedule, now that Aspen has started school.  Boy was that hard.  I feel like all I do is organize my day to get her to p.m. kindergarten on time.  I like p.m. kindergarten; I don't know how I would manage to get my kids out the door in the morning!  But she loves school, and I love my time with Oakley, which we sometimes spend playing with playdoh and cars, reading books, or running errands together with Birch, who is usually asleep :)
A couple weeks ago there was a speaker in church who suggested we organize our time to put those things of most importance first: reading the scriptures, pondering spiritual things, spending time with our families.  He said to never be too busy for those things, and I know he's right.  I'm trying to figure out how to do that every day; really enjoy and cherish the things that really matter, and stop being so busy!  Tonight the kids and I were watching a Planet Earth clip on the ipad and afterward watched this and it was exactly what I needed.  So good!  And I'm recommitted to cherishing every crazy 
moment with my wonderful husband and kids.
Now that I've lost my baby weight and its staying off I find myself wanting to bake all the time.  I have found
some "healthier", paleo recipes, but mostly we're talking chocolate cake, apple pie, you get the idea.  I wish I 
didn't have such a sweet tooth!  But there you have it.  I'll spend an hour in the morning having a great workout 
and then bask in the sweet tastiness of chocolate cake in the evening!
To close I'd just like to say I may have the world's most endearing baby in my possession.  Birch, besides being 
so adorable, cuddly and puffy in all the right areas, is one of the smiliest babies I've ever met.  One minute he'll 
be puking, the next he'll be grinning from ear to ear, like the puking was the best time he'd ever had.  I'll often
feed him and find him looking up at me, smiling.  He's got a milk sensitivity (like Oakley had only not as severe)
but with me off milk and him on the right formula you'd never know it.  Anyway he is such a joy and I pinch 
myself all the time that he's mine.  
Well hopefully the next time I post I can have some photos to go with it.  Fingers crossed! :)