Monday, June 14, 2010

Yet another hike

I know so many of my posts are of hikes the three of us do, but if I didn't post about them, you'd think I was sitting on my caboose all the time.
We went up to McCall this weekend to "get away from it all" and enjoy a little rest and relaxation. We were going to camp, but then a friend offered us the use of his woodsy, comfy cabin, and we were all about that. That's where the r&r came in.
We decided not to bring the pack 'n play, on the hopes that we'd be able to find somewhere convenient to place Aspen during her naps and bedtime, but ended up sticking her in bed with us. One night Eric ran into town to get us a movie, and Aspen and I just hung out in bed, reading magazines. She'd see a recipe ad and grab the magazine. "Woah, mommy (we're back to mommy now) that looks sooooo good!"
During our hikes I'd follow Eric while he carried Aspen on his back. They'd be having these conversations about moose and trees, and I didn't want to butt in. It was really cute.
We found this one hike that was really great. It wasn't marked very well, but it crossed a cascading stream several times, and Eric and I were glad we'd worn our sandals. It felt great to get our feet wet! Unfortunately we could only follow it for about half a mile or so and then we had to turn around because for the life of us we couldn't find the trail.
We saw several deer, lots of garter snakes (to my dismay, but they actually weren't so bad), a fox, several squirrels, fish, and lots of tracks (deer and bear). Aspen loved that.


Bethany Fegles Photography said...

That sounds like so much fun! I loved all the photos.

Aspen's sunglasses and your belly are the cutest! :)

love you,

Nicole said...

It looks beautiful there. It seems like it would be nice to go hiking somewhere there aren't quite so many bugs. I'd like that :)