Monday, November 2, 2009

It's been too long, John

Courtesy of my brother-in-law to be, I've been listening to John Mayer's Continuum cd. I love it! John Mayer has always been one of my favorite artists, both for his honest, open lyrics and for the music itself. I think it's been years since I've listened to him, and now I'm kicking myself. I just want to stay here downstairs and clean my heart out, 'cause that's where the radio is!


Sasha Cornelius Eggli said...

You know, chels, you are the reason I am a John Mayer fan. If it wasn't for you, I would still be in the dark. I might have to "borrow" that CD...

Sarah Lenhart said...

Does that mean that you love his new song - "Who says I can't get stoned?" That's not very LDS friendly...maybe I'll go report you. j/k. :)

Kimberly Miller said...

wow, it makes you want to clean. . .must be great music! sounds like i need to get it :)