Friday, November 18, 2011

One thing that's nice about having a boy is not having to deal with the inner strugglings of deciding when to get your kid's first hair cut. With Aspen there was so much stress and guilt. She was three years old when we finally trimmed her hair! I've already used shears on Oakley at least four times. And counting. Afterall, I had no choice. I mean look at this kid:
He's just crying out for help!
It's taken me several tries to get a hold of his mullet in the back, and it's usually in the bath that I'm making the attempt. Which means I'm bending over and in an awkward position and all he wants to do is play. But yesterday I finally got him to hold still long enough and voila! my baby looks human. (pictures later)

1 comment:

Bethany Fegles Photography said...

What a cute photo of Oakley! I just love his sweet face in this shot! It will be fun to see his new do! :)

EVERY DAY I think about cutting Benjamin's puffy hair. He has too much long hair on the sides but I keep wondering if it's ok to cut it before he's 1?... Today I realized, there's no rule about this! And I too only just gave Selah her first hair trim at age 3 1/2... seriously, it's hard to let go of those baby curls!!